

Feb 23

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Your Soul

Your Soul
Your soul is created by God,1 and cannot be destroyed by man.2 It is of far greater value than all the world.3 Your soul is to love God,4 find joy in the Lord,5 thirst for God,6 trust in God,7 and follow hard for God.8 Your soul is to bless9 and praise God.10
God is to be your soul’s shepherd11 and anchor.12 However, there is that which wars against your soul.13 Thus, your soul can be beguiled,14 subverted,15 and vexed.16 Yet, your soul can be restored,17 purified,18 saved,19 and thus, find rest20 because God strives to preserve souls.21
May your soul prosper spiritually while on earth22 because your soul will be required of God23 Who will destroy the soul which is not saved.24

1 Genesis 2:7.
2 Matthew 10:28.
3 Matthew 16:26.
4 Matthew 22:37.
5 Psalm 35:9.
6 Psalm 63:1.
8 Psalm 63:8.
9 Psalm 103:1.
10 Psalm 146:1.
11 1 Peter 2:25.
12 Hebrews 6:19.
13 1 Peter 2:11.
14 2 Peter 2:14.
15 Acts 15:24.
16 2 Peter 2:8.
17 Psalm 23:3.
18 1 Peter 1:22.
19 James 1:21.
20 Matthew 11:29.
21 Psalm 97:10.
22 3 John 2.
23 Luke 12:20.
24 Matthew 10:29.

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