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Date registered: January 9, 2014

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Mar 12


There are many How To… books, telling how to do various jobs. However, one of the most important “how to’s” is found in the Bible. When Jesus spoke the parable of the sower, He was illustrating the different ways in which a person hears and responds to the preaching of the Gospel. After giving the …

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Mar 05


The distinction that must exist between Christianity and the world is blurred and harder than ever to see. Many churches are becoming like the world around them. Churches are lowering the standards of Christian living. Today, many are confused about morality, purity, and righteousness. From various denominational quarters comes a cry to modify long held …

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Feb 24

Beatitudes In The Book Of Revelation

“Blessed are…” MATTHEW 5:3-11; REVELATION1:3; 14:13; 16:15; 22:14. 1. “Blessed is he that reads” (Rev. 1:3). The one who reads and understands (Mark. 13:14) will gain soul-saving knowledge (John. 8:32). Those in Antioch rejoiced after reading the epistle (Acts 15:31). We walk by faith (2 Cor. 5:7) which comes by hearing the Word of God …

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Feb 18

The Chain of Religious Authority

Today, man is confused as to what authority he should base his religious views. He asks, “Does the authority lie with the church?…the Pope?…councils of men?…conscience?…tradition? Jesus taught that everything men do in religion, they do either by the authority of God or by the authority of men (Matthew 21:23-25). Since the Bible is the …

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Feb 11

The Sure Way To Heaven

“And besides all this, giving all diligence, add to you faith, virtue…knowledge…self control…patience…godliness…brotherly kindness…love…. Wherefore, brethren, give the more diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if you do these things, ye shall never stumble.” 2 PETER 1:5-10. In order to become saved, one must follow the five steps of salvation: hear, believe, …

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Feb 04

The Compliments

“Compliment,” as defined by Webster’s is “an expression of esteem, respect, affection, or admiration; esp: a flattering remark.” The Bible makes clear that the compliments of a flatterer are nothing. In a condemning manner, the Psalmist remarked that the wicked “flatter with their tongue” (Psa. 5:9; Cf. I Thess. 2:5). However, Jesus never issued a …

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Jan 29

What Can We Know?

In the Old Testament days, actually up to one-hundred fifty years ago, the existence of Deity was not questioned. People in general believed in God or in gods, and it was the social outcast who disbelieved. A person may have been disobedient, but he still believed in a deity. However, the opposite seems to be …

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Jan 22


It is erroneously advanced by some who are pro-instrument that the Greek word for “making melody” in Ephesians 5:19, inherently means to play an instrument. In other words, they say that psallo is defined as, “to touch the chords of a musical instrument.” Reply. While it is true that many lexicons give psallo such a …

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Jan 14

Who Is A Christian?

In PURSUIT, a Christian is a follower of Christ. “Then said Jesus unto His disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Matt. 16:24). Thus, our ultimate and primary ambition of life is to follow Jesus. In KNOWLEDGE, a Christian is a disciple …

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Jan 07


“The Gospel’s” means that it is of, and comes from the Gospel. Not from a man. Not from a council of men. Not from our “feelings.” It is from the Gospel as delivered by inspired men (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:20,21). Thus, it is the Divine message given by Deity; and it does make …

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