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There was a time when the kings and their armies of four cities united and rose up against the kings of five other cities. The four were easily victorious over the five (which indicates their power and strength). As spoils of war, the invaders took captive some of the inhabitants of the defeated. One of …
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Yes, the Bible teaches that there will be a Judgment, heaven and hell and that all are lost because of their sins. However, the Bible also teaches that you can be forgiven of sins because of what Jesus did.Jesus was Deity—the Son of God. He left heaven and lived upon earth as a man (Philippians …
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The word “fail” means to let down or to be unsuccessful in accomplishments. A student may fail a class; a dog may fail to heed its master; a hunter may fail to get a deer. Jesus Himself was failed by others. Consider two and the lessons they present.HEROD failed Jesus. Herod sought the life of …
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Attention has been called to the fact that numerous Christians, as well as entire congregations are falling away from the faith. Such is a result of the work of false teachers (2 Thes. 2:1-12). Currently, and for the past several years, there have been false teachers who have graduated beyond the initial stage of advancing …
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Discussions about salvation between members of the church of Christ and those of denominations eventually (if not initially) focus upon the subject of baptism. Since virtually all in denominationalism object to the statement: “Baptism is essential for salvation,” they will usually have some objection to offer. One such objection is this: “Since Jesus was baptized …
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The letter entitled, Hebrews, was written to Christians who had been converted from the Jewish religion. These Christians were beginning to cast their eyes back toward Judaism, and away from Christianity. After all, heavenly angels had a hand in revealing Judaism; the incomparable Moses was its mediator; legendary Joshua conquered their land of rest; and …
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We are told: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ” (Eph. 1:3). This means that every single benefit to one’s soul is obtained and realized by being in Christ. What, then, are these spiritual blessings? Those who are …
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Since we are to “rightly divide the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15) to the extent that we do not teach nor practice error (Rev. 22:18-19), then we must correctly interpret the Bible. While there are many principles involved in proper interpretation, the following will certainly help.FIRST: Who was the speaker? Was he inspired or …
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Our life as a Christian is a plea to the world on behalf of Jesus Christ. We do so by our words (Phil. 2:16; Mark 16:16) and our manner of life (Mat. 5:1; 1 Pet. 3:15; 2 Cor. 3:2-3). What, then, is it we are to plea?When we plea for Christ to the world, we …
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Of a truth, miracles were performed in the first century during the writing of the New Testament, but to claim that miracles are being performed today is to claim that which no longer occurs. God Himself told us there would come a time when miracles would cease–and He also told us when.First Corinthians 13:8-13 gives …
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