

Sep 26

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Those in the church and those out of the church know that the Christian is not to use words of cursing. Followers of God are to “curse not” (Rom. 12:14); “put off…filthy communication out of your mouth” (Col. 3:8); and “let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth” (Eph. 4:29). Yes, the good and honest Christian willingly keeps his vocabulary wholesome so as to glorify God, to stand approved and to be a good example among men.

Since most non-Christians recognize this truth, they will, if they normally use foul language, employ the use of “lesser offensive words” which are not deemed by the general public as outright curse words. While we certainly appreciate their consideration, we would also wish (at least for their sake) they look up those words in the dictionary. Upon doing such, it would be learned that words such as “gee,” “golly” and “darn” are euphemisms. A euphemism is “…the substitution of an inoffensive term for one considered offensive.”1 Consider some of these:

“Gee” is an euphemism for Jesus.1 “Dickens” is an euphemism for devil.1
“Gosh” is a substitution for God.1 “Heck” is an euphemism for hell.1
“Golly” is an euphemism for God.2 [Consult the dictionary for others].

Furthermore, as Guy N. Woods stated:
It is of serious consequence that many members of the church today have allowed to creep into their phraseology words and phrases the use of which amounts to profanity. Others, who would not dare use the holy names, God, Christ, Jesus, Jerusalem, Heaven, Hell, Hades, as interjections (“An ejaculatory word or form of speech, usually thrown in without grammatical connection,” Webster) and for emphasis, will, nevertheless, use euphemisms (the substitution of a word or phrase less offensive or objectionable), the derivation of which goes back to one of the foregoing forms. Were those who thus do aware of the origin of many of these common by-words they would be shocked!3

May we, of all people, be aware of this trick of the devil, and truly “let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth.”
Gary Henson

1 The American Heritage Dictionary, 1985.
2 Webster’s New International Dictionary.
3 Guy N. Woods, A Commentary on the Epistle of James, Gospel Advocate Co., Nashville, 1967, pp. 290.

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