

Sep 03

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God is the Being who has always existed (Psa. 90:2), created all things (Col. 1:16), gave man a spirit (Eccl. 12:4), and, thus, is sovereign over all (Deut. 10:14, 17). There is nothing that God does not know (Psa. 147:4), and there is nothing that He cannot do [which is subject to accomplishment and is according to His nature] (Gen. 18:14). God knows about events before they happen (Isa. 46:10), and there is no place where He is not (Psa. 139). God is perfect (Deut 32:4) in His attributes of goodness (Psa. 118:29), mercy (Psa. 119:64), righteousness (Psa. 97:2), holiness (Lev. 19:2) and love (1 John 4:9-10).

He never makes a mistake in judgment (Psa. 19:9), and always does what He says He will do (1 Thes. 5:24).

With such a God as this, surely all men should be compelled to honor and worship God without even being told—and those who do worship and serve God, surely do so, not out of necessity, but desirously.

Gary Henson

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