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Lectureship Books

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If you are interested in purchasing lectureship books, contact us for pricing and availability.

30th Annual Lectureship (2019) Lectureship 2019

29th Annual Lectureship (2018) Lectureship 2018

28th Annual Lectureship (2017) Lectureship 2017

27th Annual Lectureship (2016) Lwctureship 2016

26th Annual Lectureship (2015)
“Out of Darkness, Into Light, Out of Atheism, Into Christianity”  2015-Lectureship

25th Annual Lectureship (2014)
“Why the churches of Christ are Not Growing at the Same Rate as They Did in Earlier Years”

24th Annual Lectureship (2013)
“The Church IN the World but is not OF the World”
Sermons discussing the character of the Church Jesus built.

23th Annual Lectureship (2012)
“Jesus is..”
Sermons discussing Jesus is God, etc.

22th Annual Lectureship (2011)
“Prayer and the Bible”
Sermons discussing prayers in the Bible

21st Annual Lectureship (2010)
“21st Century Church”
Sermons discussing difficulties of practicing New Testament Christianity in modern times.

20th Annual Lectureship (2009)
“The Bold Church”
Sermons discussing the bold character of the church of the New Testament.
“The Bold Church” Downloadable Outline Book (temporarily unavailable)

19th Annual Lectureship (2008)
“In Defense of …”
Sermons in the defense of basic New Testament doctrines.

18th Annual Lectureship (2007)
“Precious Passages”
Sermons covering some of the Bible’s most beautiful and profound verses.

17th Annual Lectureship (2006)
“Increasing Our Faith By Means of the Word of God”
Faith building sermons on Biblical apologetics.

16th Annual Lectureship (2005)
  The First Century Church
Sermons on the church as revealed in the New Testament.

15th Annual Lectureship (2004)
  “Give Me The Bible”
Sermons on the origin of the Bible and various translations.

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