
Oct 10

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In order for a person to be acceptable before God he MUST know AND do the Will of God. Regarding the extent of fellowship, God’s Will is that they who are in fellowship with God have no fellowship with false teachers nor practitioners of false doctrine (1 John 1:7; 2 John 9-11; Eph. 5:11).
Although Promise Keepers present the admirable plea for men to keep their promises, with further investigation it becomes clear that a member of the Lord’s church cannot participate (thus, fellowship) in Promise Keepers without sinning in so doing.
I. The meetings of Promise Keepers are meetings of fellowship in worship. Many who have not attended a meeting do not realize this. “By attending a Promise Keepers conference, you will join men from around the nation and world for worship, prayer and teaching” (PK, pp. 8-9). Thus, by participating in their national conferences or their community rallies (CR), you fellowship with (as presented in the next point) false practices, teachings and teachers.
II. If you participate in Promise Keepers, you fellowship with false practices, teachings and teachers. [1] Promise Keepers teach salvation by faith only (MC, ‘96). [Note: How can a Christian have spiritual fellowship with a man who has never become a Christian?!] [2] In their rallies they sing with mechanical instruments (CC, pp. 14-15; CR). [3] They teach that the Holy Spirit gives a special empowerment in a mysterious or miraculous way (MC ‘95, inside cover; PK, p. 1; CFF, p. 4). [4] They preach, practice and accept denominational-ism (PK, p. 4). The inside back cover of the program for the Men’s Conferences of 1995 has the pictures of numerous speakers and leaders who are of various denominations. While there are many other false teachings involved, it is clear that one who is in fellowship with God cannot participate in Promise Keepers without loosing his fellowship with God (see: 2 John 9-11).
III. Promise Keepers is an ecumenical movement among denominations. Their attempt to unite all denominations is just as crucial to their agenda (if not even more so) as is their well known plea to “fix America’s men.” “We believe that we have a God-given mission to unite Christian men who are separated by race, geography, culture, denomination, and economics. We refer to something much greater than humanistic unification and more powerful than political equality. Rather, the biblical directive to pursue reconciliation compels us to address the division that has separated the body of Christ for too long (John 17:20-23; 2 Cor. 5:18-19)” (PK, p. 4). Promise #6 states: “A Promise Keeper is committed to reach beyond any racial and denominational barriers to demonstrate the power of biblical unity” (PK, p. 11). The Promise Keepers’ booklet closes with this statement: “More than an event, we believe God wants Promise Keepers to be a spark in His hand to ignite a worldwide movement calling men to reconciliation, discipleship, and godliness” (p. 12). How then, can a member of the church be loyal to promise #6 and their ecumenical goals, while at the same time be loyal to God and Ephesians 5:11 and 2 John 9-11? A man may deceive himself, but he does not fool God.
Brethren, do not wet your finger and hold it in the air to see which way the wind is blowing in the church to determine what you are going to believe in this (or any) issue. Rather, learn God’s Will on the matter and then stand fast in the Lord!
PK=Promise Keepers Men of Integrity booklet. MC=Men’s Conferences program. CR=Community Rally at Harrah, OK, ‘97. CC=Christian Chronicle, Aug. ‘95. CFF=Contending For The Faith, July ‘96.
Gary Henson

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