Many people are seeking “religious” fulfillment today, but they are looking in the wrong place to find it. Many of these folks are seeking for personal satisfaction. Just being religious is not the answer, as people have always been religious. Two simple questions will help us understand the point: 1) Were people religious in the time of Jesus? and 2) Was their religion acceptable to Jesus? Of course, people were religious in the time of Jesus and throughout Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John; it is made most clear that Jesus was not happy with their religion!
Just before the year 1800 arrived, there was a desire within the hearts of a few people in early America for the religion established by Jesus. We know this religion as Christianity! Before going further, there is a need to understand and identify what the word “Christianity” means. It is the religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth; believed and obeyed. You really do not have “Christianity” without belief in and obedience to the teaching of Christ! It is generally called New Testament Christianity, as it is in the New Testament that we find the person of Jesus revealed and his teaching recorded. It is of divine origin; meaning the teaching came from God, not man. It does not come in “brands;” it is either “the teaching of Christ,” or it is not Christianity!
This brings our study to the words: “the search for the ancient order of things!” It may be most comforting, pleasing to the heart, and emotionally satisfying, to become part of what is today called, “undenominational” Christianity, but each of these bodies have designed their religion after their own desires. They are for the most part, a feel good religion! Here it is good to recall the words of Jesus in the first century: “This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” (Matt. 15:8-9). Clearly, people may appear to honor Jesus with their lips, in what they teach, pray, and sing, while their heart is far from Jesus. No, these folks do not “feel” that their hearts are far from him; they feel comforted, happy; they are sure in their own hearts that they are near God! So, when does this happen? It happens when the teaching being followed is of man, when believed and obeyed, it is vain! It must be understood, the only way to draw near to God, to enjoy being saved, and having hope of heaven, is to believe and obey “the teaching of Christ!” Therefore, it is incumbent upon all to go in “search for the ancient order of things!”
The words, “the search for the ancient order of things,” refer to an honest search of “Christianity” as revealed in the New Testament. Remember, “Christianity” is nothing more and it is nothing less than “the teaching of Christ!” Salvation can only be found in “the ancient order,” the “order” revealed by the inspired writers of the New Testament. Salvation cannot be found in the teaching of men; no matter how comforting, pleasing, and emotionally satisfying such teaching may be. To all who desire to be saved, now and eternally, a fire must burn within the heart for “the search of the ancient order of things!” Paul said to those in Athens, “I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious” (Acts 17:22). The words, “too superstitious,” (the Greek, deisidaimonesteros) means, they were more religious than others. They were religiously wrong, but religious! They desired to hear something new, maybe even something that brought comfort to their itching ears! But, they were not in “search for the ancient order of things!”
As Peter said: “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). There is no real difference, if we were to change the word “name” to “the teaching of Christ.” Therefore, let us do so: “Neither is there salvation in any other (teaching): for there is none other teaching under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Friends, you cannot separate Jesus from his teaching! Remember what Christianity is: “It is the religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth; believed and obeyed.” Therefore, religious people need to “the search for the ancient order of things,” as this is the need of the day!
— Frank R. Williams