Monthly Archive: August 2024

Aug 29

The Camel and the Eye of the Needle

Question: When Jesus said it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God, is Jesus referring to a small door in the wall of a city or the eye of a sewing needle? And, how much money can …

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Aug 23


Upon returning from an out-of-state job assignment, a member of the church showed me a brochure from a congregation which he had attended. It was a program of the church’s drama which they were presenting. It rivaled a commercial production, complete with seven full scenes and a lengthy acknowledgment list of actors, stage crew, construction …

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Aug 15

Spiritual Fellowship

Chart by Gary Henson click “full view” button below:

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Aug 09

Our Enemy May Be Great, But God Is Greater

There was a time when the kings and their armies of four cities united and rose up against the kings of five other cities. The four were easily victorious over the five (which indicates their power and strength). As spoils of war, the invaders took captive some of the inhabitants of the defeated. One of …

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Aug 02


Yes, the Bible teaches that there will be a Judgment, heaven and hell and that all are lost because of their sins. However, the Bible also teaches that you can be forgiven of sins because of what Jesus did.Jesus was Deity—the Son of God. He left heaven and lived upon earth as a man (Philippians …

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