In this fourth article, about “God’s Woman,” we will study what Paul wrote to Titus about the charge given to the “aged women. Their charge is to teach the “young women!” Paul does not leave the subjects to guesswork, or what might be good, but names them one by one! Here are the subjects Paul pointed out: “to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet” these are the subjects taken from Titus chapter two and verse four and the first part of verse five. To say that we do not hear about these subjects much in the modern world is an understatement!
First, Paul gives us the words, “to be sober.” We might hear today someone say: “Are you sober enough to drive home?” However, let us see just what the apostle meant when he wrote these words. He used the Greek word, “sophronizo. Which means: “to make of sound mind.” Please notice that is it an action word, as Strong wrote, “to make.” This implies that the “young women” had not yet reached the state of being “sober.” Thus, they were to be taught by the older women to be sober! Thayer would add to the thought: “restore one to his senses.” This implies that the “younger women” had strayed from the “sober” state and needed to be restored to it. Barnes in his notes on the Bible wrote: “to have their desires and passions well regulated, or under proper control.” It is note worthy that all people should have this quality in their character.
Second, is the charge “to love their husbands.” The Greek word, philandros, and it is most interesting that it appears nowhere else in the New Testament. The words themselves are strange words to the modern world, as we are used to hearing, “I have fallen in love” and many times a marriage follows. However, in the time Paul wrote, Jewish marriages were arranged more often than not. Females were married in early youth, and marriages were usually contracted within the narrow circle of the clan and the family. As a rule, the fathers arranged the match. The girl was consulted, but the “calling of the damsel and inquiring at her mouth” after the conclusion of all negotiations was merely a formality. In the Roman world, “Living together, prenuptial agreements, divorce, religious wedding ceremonies, and legal commitments all had a place in ancient Rome.” However, Rome was different than other Mediterranean people. On the other hand, if you planned to run for office, you could increase your chances of winning by creating a political alliance through the marriage of your children. Thus, after marriage, the females had to learn “to love their husbands!” Nevertheless, in today’s world, proper “love” as defined in the New Testament should be the order of the day!
Third, in our list the “older women” are to teach the “younger women: “to love their children.” It seems strange that such words would ever need to be written but here they are as something that the “older women” are to teach the “young women!” One writer put it this way: “to help and assist them all they can; to seek their honour and interest; to endeavour to please them in all things; to secure peace, harmony, and union; to carry it affectionately to them, and sympathize with them in all afflictions and distresses; …” (Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible). It is almost unthinkable thing that any woman, who is with child, should ever have to be taught to love their children but it is a most necessary thing! Mother after mother choose to murder their own child in abortion! Just one more thought here, ““She who loves the root will much more love the fruit” (Chrys.).”
Fourth, Paul used a word that is hardly even heard in today’s world! The word is “To be discreet!” Just what does this unknown word mean? It is the Greek, “sophron, and it means: “of a sound mind, sane, in one’s senses” but Thayer did not stop here; as he continued with: “curbing one’s desires and impulses, self-controlled, temperate.” There is no reason to comment any more on these words. Just one last note, the words “to be” are added by the translator.
With these four points we conclude this fourth article. These are the qualities of “God’s woman!” However, let it be said, that every woman should strive to have these qualities, save to “love their own husbands!”
Frank R. Williams
Sep 29
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