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Date registered: January 9, 2014

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Jan 06

Our Enemy May Be Great, But God Is Greater

There was a time when the kings and their armies of four cities united and rose up against the kings of five other cities. The four were easily victorious over the five (which indicates their power and strength). As spoils of war, the invaders took captive some of the inhabitants of the defeated. One of …

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Dec 30


Have you ever wondered how you would re-live your life if you could do it over? If so, then you may have thought about the changes you would make; the different roads you would take; the decisions decided otherwise. I remember my uncle (at the time, a very successful furniture salesman) saying upon one occasion, …

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Dec 24

Socrates and his Servant

Socrates had a trusted servant who, seeing others giving presents to his master, came to him one day and said, “Because I have nothing else to give you, Master, I here give you myself.” Socrates saw the earnestness of the servant and said, “Do so.” After Socrates bestowed upon him gifts, and advanced him to …

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Dec 15

Receiving Back a Better You

The Bible bursts with passages verifying the truth: When we follow Jesus, He gives us back a better you. Here are few such passages in only the book of Proverbs. My son, hear the instruction of your father…for they will be a graceful ornament on your head, and chains about your neck. (1:8-9.) Whoever listens …

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Dec 10

“God moves in mysterious ways his wonders to perform”

It was forty-eight years ago that I first heard of Jude chapter two. It was in a Bible class in the Linda church of Christ in Marysville, CA. The preacher/teacher was Clint Lovelady and someone had asked him where something was in the Bible. He answered, “It is in Jude chapter two.” Being a very …

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Dec 03


The title is challenging, if a person will take the time to think about it. Another question, which might help get to the point, “What is the philosophy by which you live?” To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the word philosophy as used in this article. The word philosophy means: the most …

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Nov 26

What Can We Know?

In the old Testament days, actually up to one-hundred years ago, the existence of God was not questioned. People in general believed in God or in gods, and it was the social outcast who disbelieved. A person may have been disobedient, but he still believed in a deity. However, the opposite seems to be the …

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Nov 19

Who Is A Christian?

In PURSUIT, a Christian is a follower of Christ. “Then said Jesus unto His disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Matt. 16:24). Thus, our ultimate and primary ambition of life is to follow Jesus. In KNOWLEDGE, a Christian is a disciple …

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Nov 11


After Jesus was baptized in the Jordan, declared to be the Son of God, had the Holy Spirit descend upon Him, and was about to begin His public ministry, “Then was Jesus led up of the wilderness to be tempted of the devil” (Matt. 4:1). The time was Satan’s. He would give it his “best …

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Nov 05


It is erroneously advanced by some who are pro-instrument that the Greek word for “making melody” in Ephesians 5:19, inherently means to play an instrument. In other words, they say that psallo is defined as, “to touch the chords of a musical instrument.” Reply. While it is true that many lexicons give psallo such a …

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