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Date registered: January 9, 2014

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  1. Baptism Stand Between being Lost and being Saved — September 19, 2024
  2. “No Negative Preaching!” — September 12, 2024
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Author's posts listings

Jan 01

The Prize

“I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Phi. 3:14). In the verse’s context, the Scriptures picture us as being in a race. In our race, as in a foot-race, we do not pause to dwell upon the ground behind us (which we have already covered) …

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Dec 24

Overcoming Worry

Our loving God would not have us live in such a way that is harmful or unbeneficial to us. And seeing how worry harms us physically (Dr. S.L. Mc Millian, None of these Diseases, pp. 20-93) and mentally, robs us of happiness and peace, hinders our prayer (Jas. 1:5,6) and makes us unworthy stewards of …

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Dec 17

“Soot & Varnish”

After twelve years of tedious labor, one of the most dramatic restorations in artistic history—the paintings by Michelangelo on the ceilings of the Sistine Chapel—is finished. Although the Frescoes were finished in 1512, it was not long until they became grimy from the charcoal braziers used in the chapel. Uncertain as to how to remove …

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Dec 10


To me, Christmas is one of the most enjoyable times of the year. Fond memories of yesteryears are kindled while today’s activities are making tomorrow’s memoirs. I watch again the television specials we had watched when my children were little – – as well as when I was little. I like going through the decorated …

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Dec 03

Capital Punishment

I watched as a television news station interviewed a man regarding his views on the death penalty. The man, attempting to base his view upon the Bible, replied that capital punishment is wrong. Let us see if he is right. In Genesis 9:6, we see that it was God who decreed capital punishment as the …

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Nov 26


An unthankful person is a “boar” to be around! His thoughts and his actions are fixed upon himself, and he has little to no interest in needs of others! He is far from the person whom Jesus describes in his teaching! The word thankfulness is not part of his character. He may think of himself …

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Nov 20


Questions are a good way to teach, that is if reader in this case, is willing to answer the questions. So, lets you and I give it try. Here is the first question, “Do you walk on the world, or do you walk on the earth? Do you dig in earth or do you dig …

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Oct 30

Jesus (2)

Did you and I have a beginning? Yes, I began to be March of 1939. No, this not what we call my birthday but month I was conceived! When my mother conceived me I was a human being. Jesus became a human being at the time Mary conceived him. This is also the way all …

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Oct 22

Jesus (1)

Did Jesus have a beginning! Was Jesus tempted as we are? Can God be tempted? These three questions demand answers! Years ago, I was sitting a Bible class when at the end of the class the teacher asked; If Jesus was tempted, he was God, and God cannot be tempted?” One lady in the class …

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Oct 16


In this concluding article on the Holy Spirit we will prove that the points made in the first three articles are true! To this point, we have pointed out three things¨1) the apostles received “power” after the Holy Spirit came upon them; 2) this “power” enabled the apostles to speak by inspiration; 3) that this …

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