Jul 13


During the Vietnam war, US aircraft flew over the jungles of that country spraying the dense vegetation with the chemical “agent orange.” The idea was to kill the plants which would take away the native’s advantage in their jungle battle tactics. Sadly, it is told, agent orange was sprayed upon some of our own troops as they were in the fields, resulting in subsequent and serious physical problems. Truly this is a horrible tragedy–to use something which is thought to be harmless, but all the while is gradually being absorbed and ensuring tremendous ailments and destruction.
Today there is another “agent orange” being applied to people and is doing far greater damage. It too is thought to be harmless, yea, even beneficial. The agent? Ungodly, destructive philosophies of men. The means of application? The camouflaged “classrooms” of life.
When brother Thomas Warren was preparing himself to challenge atheistic philosophers in debate, he went to obtain the doctor of philosophy at Vanderbilt University. To his surprise, most of the students did not intend to become philosophers, but rather writers for the mass media of entertainment Those brilliant minds were studying the ungodly philosophies of men and becoming writers of this nation’s television shows, movies, books and songs! Thus, as the people of this nation watch sit-coms, dramas, talk-shows and movies, and sing-a-long with the radio and CD’s, we are being taught the philosophies of man by means of these “classrooms.”
Brother Bill Nick, commenting upon the recent radical change in theater, music and literature, wrote, “Behind all of this is a departure from the normative standards of the Bible, and a glorification of philosophies of men.” He goes on to list some of the philosophies: “Rooted in the secular existentialism of Sartre, Jasper, Huxley and Heidegger, and the religious existentialism of Barth, Brunner, Tillich and Niebuhr….” 1
Regarding this writing of philosophy into the books and movies, Francis Schaeffer stated, “The really dangerous thing is that our people are being taught this modern 20th Century morality without being able to understand what is happening to them.” 2
Brethren, the individual Christian, the church and our nation need to realize that TV and other mass media contain a deeper and far greater danger than the obvious language, violence and nudity. They contain and are indoctrinating us with the philosophies of men—ungodly systems of values by which one lives. And if the success of this ploy is doubted, one only needs to reflect upon the change in the moral character and values of our country these past recent years.
May at least WE be wise to this matter and VERY selective as to what is watched, read and heard. May our God help us to warn others.

Gary Henson
“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy…” Co. 2:8

1Bill Nicks, “The Movies.” Editor, Thomas Eaves, Living Soberly, Righteously And Godly, page 179.
2Francis Schaeffer, Escape From Reason, page 65.

Permanent link to this article: https://okcsbs.com/agent-orange/

Jul 07

Intoxicating Drinks

The assault upon the minds of man to socially accept and imbibe in intoxicating drink is intense. From the persuasive influence of professional athletes to the “cute” frogs, dogs and lizards, society is gradually becoming more tolerant of drinking. Thus, in the midst of this mental transition, it must be asked: “What does the Bible teach regarding the drinking of intoxicating drinks?”

FIRST, if the Bible teaches that man is not to become drunk, and if the original (Greek) word includes the entire drinking process (from the first drink to staggering drunk), then even one drink of intoxicating drinks is sinful. The Bible does teach that man is not to become drunk. “Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God” (Gal. 5:21; cf., 1 Cor. 6:10; Eph. 5:18). Also, the original (Greek) word does includes the entire drinking process (from the first drink to staggering drunk). METHUSKO [mequskw] is defined as: “To make drunk, or to grow drunk (an inceptive verb [relating to the beginning (GH)], marking the process of the state expressed) to become intoxicated” (Vine’s, 1.341); “to begin to be softened” (Young’s Concordance, p. 275); “to grow drunk (marking the beginning)” (Bullinger’s, p. 238). Thus, METHUSKO includes the beginning of the drinking process–the first drink. To illustrate, consider a man who is a weight lifter going to the gym for an hour-long workout. Near the end of his workout he is getting very exhausted and is straining with every lift. Yet, at the beginning of his workout (before the grueling exercises had its weakening effect) he was still in the workout process. He was weak at the end because of, not only the latter exercises, but also because of the exercises which he did at the beginning. Thus, the workout was a cumulative process which lead to his exhaustion; even the first lift (although unnoticed) had a weakening effect. Likewise, METHUSKO describes such a cumulative process. Thus, although one will eventually become staggering drunk, he is METHUSKO even when he begins with the first drink. Therefore, even one drink of intoxicating drinks is sinful.

SECOND, if the Bible teaches that the Christian is to refrain from harming the body, and if intoxicating drinks harm the body, then the use of intoxicating drinks is sinful. The Bible does teach that the Christian is to refrain from harming the body. “What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s” (1 Cor. 6:19-20). Thus, the Christian is not to do that which destroys the property of God. Rather, the physical body is to be used to glorify God. However, intoxicating drinks do harm the body. As reported by Dr. Melvin H. Knisley, professor of anatomy at the Medical College of South Carolina, at the 28th International Congress on Alcohol and Alcoholism: “Even one beer destroys brain cells” (brain cells cannot be replaced). Also, in a report of the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: “Alcohol is indisputably involved in the causation of cancer and its consumption is one of the few types of exposure known to increase the risk of cancer at various sites in the human body.” Therefore, the use of intoxicating drinks is sinful.

CONCLUSION: The answer to the question is: The Bible DOES teach that the drinking of intoxicating drinks is sinful. May we have the courage to do and stand for that which is God’s Will.

Gary Henson

Permanent link to this article: https://okcsbs.com/intoxicating-drinks/

Jul 01


As a new generation arises there will be a few who see themselves as “lights” to the church and it is their duty to reinvent Christianity! They are sure that the older generation missed a few points and it is their solemn duty to restore true Christianity! Never mind that these subjects have been debated over and over; point after point has been met in debate and truth triumphed! Christianity as revealed in “the teaching of Christ” stood the test, and men and women who loved the truth stepped forward and obeyed it.
These precious souls came out of denominationalism while giving up family and friends; some lost jobs and the respect of the community in which they lived. They were treated as traitors! Why? Because they held truth as the “polar star” that was to guide them in this life to eternal life. They possessed a godliness that humbled them before God: “For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come” (1 Tim. 4:8). But the word “godliness” needs a little attention just here as it is much misunderstood. It is the Greek “eusebeia” and means: “reverence, respect, piety towards God” (Thayer). “Piety” means: “the state or quality of being pious.” The point is that “godliness” refers to a person who reverences God in obedience! Obedience is “profitable” in this life and the life “which is to come!” Of course, this brings us to the subject of truth, of law!
Part of this reinventing of Christianity is heard in the words, “If there is no law against it, then, there is no violation.” There is nothing new in this thought! Martin Luther (November 10, 1483 – February 18, 1546) looked at the New Testament in this way; and he is, of course, well known. On the other hand, Ulrich Zwingl who lived at the same (Jan. 1, 1484 – Oct. 11, 1531) believed that if it was not authorized, explicitly or implicitly, then it was not lawful. He is much less known! Much of Christendom is divided between these two camps today and there is nothing new in it! It is just an old teaching resurrected from the dust bins of history!
Some twenty-nine years ago I wrote a series of articles entitled, “Cornbread and Buttermilk.” The point of these articles was if we are looking at the authority of Christ as “Thou shall not” type of law, then, there is no law against using “cornbread and buttermilk” in the Lord’s Supper. Why “cornbread and buttermilk?” I just happen to like “cornbread and buttermilk!” This sums up the thinking of many then and now; if there is no law against it, then, there is no violation of the law to use “cornbread and buttermilk” in the Lord’s Supper! It is a gross misunderstanding of the authority of Christ! It forbids as it authorizes!
Jesus said: “All power (authority – exousia) is given unto me in heaven and in earth” (Matt. 28:18). Just how does Jesus exercise this authority? Is it through a series of “Thou shalt not” statements, or is it what we are authorized to do through explicit and implicit statements and accounts of action? Some things we are free to do, but not commanded to do. For instance, there are “accounts of action” of the early church fasting when elders were appointed (Acts 14:23). It should be noted that they prayed and fasted; there is no spiritual edification in going without food, but if one is praying, and or studying the word of God, then, there is spiritual edification.
The same thing is true of brethren who sold land and brought the money to the apostles (Acts 4:36-37); this is an account of action, but there is no command, either explicitly or implicitly given for brethren to sell their land. In fact, Peter said to Ananias, “Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power (authority – exousia)” (Acts 5:4). At the same time, brethren were/are free to sell land and other goods and if they so choose, they could/can keep the money, or they could/can give all, or any part of the money to the Lord (church) to be used in the work of the church. As they give they are to keep in mind, they should give “as God hath prospered him” and remember: “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver” (1 Cor. 16:2 and 2 Cor. 9:7).
It should be noted that in giving, we have both explicit and implicit authority! When Paul wrote the church in Corinth, he wrote: “Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come” (1 Cor. 16:1). These words follow the order given in verse one: “as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye.” Therefore, the explicit, “upon the first day of the week,” which implicitly means every “first day of the week” as every week has a first day!

— Frank R. Williams
Archived Article from July 15, 2015

Permanent link to this article: https://okcsbs.com/no-law-against-it/

Jun 23

How To Overcome Using Bad Language

1. Realize vulgarity lowers your image in the eyes of others. “Everybody loves a winner,” especially in the struggle of morality. So, when you cuss you’re a looser in a struggle. Your image in the eyes of others then becomes lower.

2. Realize vulgarity lowers your image in your own eyes. We are always judging ourselves. When you do right, you know it and your self-image is raised. On the other hand, when you do wrong, you know it and the image you have of yourself is lowered.

3. Realize that anger must be controlled. If you have a problem with vulgarity, it is probably in moments of anger. When something makes you angry, you cuss. Thus, it is the anger that must be controlled. “The discretion of a man deferreth his anger; and it is his glory to pass over a transgression” (Prov. 19:11).

4. Realize that Satan is getting the better of you. Satan is trying to get you (1 Pet. 5:8), making use of all kinds of situations and snares (Eph. 6:11). Thus, each occurrence is a challenge by Satan. Take a stand! (Eph. 6:13). Don’t let him ridicule you!

5. Realize it is a transgression of the standard that will judge you. “But now ye also put off all these; anger, . . . filthy communication out of your mouth” (Col. 3:8). “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers” (Eph. 4:29).

6. Pray for help. If you pray in faith (Mat. 21:22), according to his will (1 John 5:14) and do what you can do about the problem (Jam. 5:14-15), God will help.

7. Ask for help. Your good brethren are very concerned about you (1 Pet. 1:22) and can be of strong help (Gal. 6:2).

8. Memorize Ephesians 4:29. “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth.” Recite it throughout the day (especially when you know a trying moment is approaching).

9. Have something else prepared to think about when the temptation comes. Many of the suggestions given here would work.

10. Keep record of the days you go without using vulgarities –it will encourage you to see your change and what you can do.

11. Feel good about yourself when you overcome. “Honour to whom honour” (Rom. 13:7).

12. Daily read and meditate on the Bible –it strengthens and matures your soul (Psa. 1:1-3).

Gary Henson

Permanent link to this article: https://okcsbs.com/how-to-overcome-using-bad-language/

Jun 15

No Vacation From God

Those hazy, crazy, lazy days of summer are here, just as they were promised by God to Noah just after the great flood (Gen. 8:22). But though we enjoy the changes of the seasons, Christians are not to change in faithfulness to God (1 Cor. 15:58). Passages of inspiration for us to live by are the same “Yesterday, and today, and forever” (Heb. 13:9), which means that pleasant and recreating personally do not allow unfaithfulness to God. We are to be Christians wherever we may chance to be and our relationship with Christ is not “put on hold” just because we are away from familiar family and friends. Let us remember still to:
1. “Forsake not the assembling of the saints” (Heb. 10:25).
2. Be “salt” and “light” for Christ (Matt. 5:14-16).
3. “Flee also youthful lusts” (2 Tim. 2:22).
4. Give as we are prospered (1 Cor. 16:2).
Do not forget that the elders and the local work plan for obligations of work with your giving in mind. Do not ask the Lord to pay for your vacation.

5. Pray for the local congregation as we continue to uphold the light of the Gospel to the lost (Phil. 2:12-16), and as we pray for you and your save return!

Come home refreshed and ready to meet your responsibilities once again!

Gary Henson

Permanent link to this article: https://okcsbs.com/no-vacation-from-god/

Jun 08


God provided for us the beautiful land which we call Rocky Mountain National Park. Throughout the trails which curl and climb the terrain of the park, the hiker often comes upon wooden signs which have the engraved words: “RESTORATION AREA: STAY ON TRAIL.” When one considers that RMNP receives three million visitors during the three summer months [or: one million each month; 250,000 each week; 35,700 each day] who venture off of the trails to see “this and that,” crushing and destroying the delicate vegetation by the acres, one understands why such signs are posted. In order to restore the area as it was before man destroyed it, the people must stay on the trail.

God provided for us one church (Mat. 16:18; Eph. 4:4 + 1:22-23). Throughout the passing of time, man (“inch by inch”) ventured away from the organization, worship and doctrines of the church as Jesus established it. Eventually, the changes were so dramatic, men denominated themselves into denominations. Finally, several different men saw the error of their way and began to reject the erroneous trails which men had trod, and called for a restoration–a restoration of the one church which God had provided. Denominations, creed books and church manuals were rejected. Signs were erected which stated: “But in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” (Mat. 15:9); “Rightly dividing [correctly interpreting] the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15); Do not add to, nor take away from the Word of God (Rev. 22:18-19). Hundreds of thousands, yea, millions have responded to this plea: In order to restore the church as it was before man destroyed it, the people must stay on the trail!

May all men have such a love for the Lord and the church which He built, that they will investigate this restoration. May all those who have taken part in the restoration, have the courage to continue to “stay on the trail.”

Gary Henson

Permanent link to this article: https://okcsbs.com/restoration-area/

Jun 02


It is impossible to overstate the importance of the Bible class teacher. There are those who can teach and impart certain skills, trades and knowledge. There are those who run large corporations, and those who rule countries. Yet, if a list were somehow composed of all positions of the world being arranged in order of importance, the Bible class teacher would be above them all. Why is this the case? When one is teaching the Bible, he/she is fulfilling the very means by which one may be drawn near to God (Jn. 6:44, 45). It is the Gospel that is the power of God unto salvation (Rom. 1:16), which is only able to act when it is presented (Rom. 10:13-14). Furthermore, it is through the teaching of God’s Word that the Christian may be thoroughly furnished unto all good works (2 Tim. 3:16-17), and then, by acting upon that knowledge his calling and election is made sure (2 Pet. 1:10). Thus, the efforts of the Bible class teacher are supremely important.
Not only can we see the eternal results of the labor of the Bible teacher, we also can see the immediate results. When the parents are overjoyed to hear their child’s first recital of the Bible lesson–we can thank the teacher. When we see our children grow in the admonition of the Lord, when we see our children developing good morals, when we see our members abstaining from doing that which is evil and cleaving to that which is good–we can thank the teacher. When we see men who faithfully preach the Gospel, men who stand up to defend the truth, men who serve as God-fearing elders, deacons and teachers, and women who teach and help the church in any way they can–we can thank the teacher for their vital part in their instruction and influence.
Teachers, your effect can be felt into eternity, and it just might be the case that your efforts will help raise up strong, faithful leaders of the church of the future. Surely, it is impossible to overstate the importance of the Bible class teacher!

Gary Henson

Permanent link to this article: https://okcsbs.com/our-teachers/

May 26

Are The Days In Genesis One Only 24 Hours?

“And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.” – – Genesis 2:1

Before the erroneous and falsified fantasy of evolution came on the scene, Bible readers had no problem understanding the seven days of creation in Genesis chapter one as seven twenty-four hour days. However, as evolution became more and more popular, weak theologians resorted to theistic evolution (i.e., God made man via evolution) and sought to find the time needed (millions of years) by asserting that the seven days in Genesis 1 are actually representations of seven eons of time. Is this claim true? Consider:
ONE. We know the days of Genesis 1 are literal 24-hour days because the Hebrew word yom which is translated “day” is both used and defined in Genesis 1:5. “And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.” Yom is defined here as the light period in the regular succession of light and darkness as we have in our own days of today.
TWO. If the days were to represent multiplied millions of years, then what could possibly be represented by the “years” of verse 14?!
THREE. The Hebrew word yom, when modified by the numerical adjective, can only be taken to mean a period of 24 hours.
FOUR. Jesus made it clear that Adam and Eve were here from the beginning (Mat. 19:4). If “days” meant millions of years, then Adam and Eve (having arrived on the 6th day) would not have been here from the beginning as Jesus said, but at the end as the atheistic evolutionists claim.
CONCLUSION: The days of Genesis 1 were 24-hour days!

Gary Henson

Permanent link to this article: https://okcsbs.com/are-the-days-in-genesis-one-only-24-hours/

May 18


In the tenth chapter of John, we are taught the allegory between us and the Lord, with the sheep and the shepherd. It may be humbling to be compared to sheep, but the accuracy is there. In the animal world, no creature is more helpless or needs more leading or guidance for everything they do than do the sheep. No animal strays more easily, none is more heedless and none so incapable of finding its way back when lost. No creature is more defenseless and exposed to be devoured by beasts than are the sheep. This is how the sheep are in man’s sight, and it is how Christians are in the sight of God.
In the third and fourth verse of John chapter ten we see that the sheep (that is, the sheep of the East) know and can recognize the voice of the shepherd, and upon hearing the voice, they follow him. The lesson is obvious. Faithful disciples will hear (listen, understand and heed) his voice; they will not listen to strangers (false teachers). The voice of Jesus is heard through His Word which has been revealed to us by inspired men (Heb. 1:1,2; 2:1-4).
Verse nine teaches that it is through the means of the shepherd (Jesus) that the sheep (Christians) are saved and are nourished. Jesus came to save men from their sins (Matt. 1:21) and to seek and save the lost (Luke. 19:10), and it is only through Jesus that we may be saved (Acts 4:12). Then, after becoming saved, we are kept saved through the nourishment He provides, which is the Bible (I Tim. 4:6). It is through Him that allows us to hear the peace that passes understanding (Phil. 4:7) which allows us to lay calmly in green pastures (Psa. 23:2).
“The good shepherd layeth down his life for the sheep” (verse 11). Shepherds of Palestine were not infrequently subjected to grave dangers, some losing their lives. David tells how he killed a lion and a bear while defending his father’s flock. Similarly, Jesus gave His life on the cross. It was either Him or the sheep (John 15:13; I John 3:16). “The son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many” (Matt. 20:28).
In verse 16, there is revealed the plain but often overlooked fact that there is but one shepherd and one flock. Nobody who makes claim to Christianity has any problem in understanding that “one shepherd” means one Lord. Yet, their consistency “flies out the window” when they attempt to make many flocks out of one body!
For those sheep who are hearing and are following (Rev. 14:4, reveals that it is those who follow–not forsake–Jesus even unto death), to them He gives eternal life(verse 27,28). What a blessed assurance! As long as we remain faithful we have the guarantee of a crown of life (Rev. 2:10). No outside force, including Satan, can overcome and forcefully take us out of God’s hand (John. 10:29).
Let us be thankful to God for the allegory of the Sheep and the Shepherd whereby we can come to better understand our relation to our Lord.

Gary Henson

Permanent link to this article: https://okcsbs.com/the-sheep-the-shepherd/

May 11

Happy Mother’s Day

Many of us living in these United States are finding it a time of tremendous transition. Many of the values that have been long accepted, are being questioned, and even changed into something that is far from wholesome. It is offensive to many of us, that people in high political positions are agreeing to the debase, immoral and anti-biblical teaching that many of us have been taught from our youth up. Unfortunately, such biblical based values are not being taught very often in the home. Most of the values that society holds today, I would be bold enough to say that television, and radio are shaping. The kind of movies and music that is being bombarded upon people today is far from wholesome. Not only the movies- but even the advertisements are many times just plain filthy.
Why have we dropped to such a low standard of acceptability? Why have so many “dumbed down”? One of the major contributing factors is the lack of home-yes, the lack of home. I’m not talking about building, but rather what makes up a home!!! It takes fathers and mothers to make a home what it should be. I realize that sometimes, one is missing, due to no choice, but because of accidents or illness. However, there is a tendency today for people to be irresponsible, and just want their lust gratified, and try and call it love. That’s one reason there are so many young people living in fornication, having children, and then the state is given the responsibility of raising the child and giving them WHAT SHOULD RIGHTFULLY come from parents. The state takes over the “welfare” of the child. That is a joke!!! No government agency can do the job God intended for parents to do. Sure the state can take children from an abusive environment and “protect” them by placing them in a “safe household.” But that is not the answer to our problems here in the United States. It will take people who take responsibility for their actions to choose to be parents and love their children to make a difference in this country.
May I suggest that the most influential person in a child’s life is it’s mother! However, motherhood is being ridiculed, and held in reproach by some women who are only looking for gratification, without responsibility. Why is an abortion so prevalent? I’ll tell you why – because women choose to be ungodly and self-centered. There was a choice made long before the child was ever conceived. People are making choices which are simply ungodly, and the government then says in essence, “That’s okay, we’ll just get rid of this “tissue” and you can go on your way…”
God’s plan from the beginning is to have one man, one woman, for life. That these two have children, and raise them to be responsible to God. However the high and lofty position of motherhood is slowly eroding away. How many homes today have both parents in it, that love their children and nurture them in the admonition of the Lord? Few, I suggest…
In the first book of the bible, Genesis, we find that mothers were honored and recognized during the Patriarch period of time-”And Adam called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living.” (Genesis 3:20). Then during the time of the Law given to Moses from Mt. Sinai we have one of the ten commandments which instructed them to “honor father and mother” (Exodus 20:12). Today, under the New Testament, we have instructions given in Ephesians chapter six, the first six verses how parents and children are to interact.
I appreciate what Paul had to say of Timothy’s upbringing. There is nothing mentioned specifically about any men in his life, but there is that tremendous influence that Eunice and Lois had Timothy (cf. 2 Timothy 1:5-6)
I don’t know where the statement originated from, but it is a great attitude which says: “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.”
To all the mothers who might read this bulletin, who are striving to do their best to train up children in the admonition of the Lord – I “hold your hand up” in honor to you and your love for the Lord and children. Such realize the great privilege that God has granted you to be a part in raising the next generation. Perhaps your mom is still living, if so, then give her the kindness due her. And if she has gone on to her reward – may you retain the good teachings that she tried to instill in you and others. My mother has been gone for a number of years. She wasn’t perfect, she had her flaws, but she didn’t have any perfect children either. She did what she could. Sometimes it wasn’t enough, and at other times, was more than enough.
To all the women who are Christian mothers – keep on keeping on. Don’t give up. You are making a great difference in the lives of children. You are helping with other women, by your good example. Your days may be long, and difficult and filled with stress, but don’t give up. I love you for all the loving effort you put forth.
May we as men, show due respect and honor to our wife, children and to “Mother’s” in general who are striving to be godly moms.
There’s an old saying that goes something like this: “The greatest thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.” And vice versa for mothers.
To children, realize that your parents are not perfect – they make mistakes, they make choices that you may not agree with. However, respect them, love them and strive to obey them completely, and you’ll find life is full and rewarding in your home.
May we that don’t have children in our home any longer, encourage and help those who are training their youngsters. You can remember how it was with your children. Give a loving hand and smile.
For those who don’t have any children – you may have a blessed opportunity to help with others. Show your love, support and kindness when you have the opportunity.
I’m so thankful for women who are Christians. Who love the Lord, love their husbands, love their children, and love other people’s children as well.
To all you moms out there – may you have a very good and rewarding “Mother’s Day.”

By: Will Mayhue

Permanent link to this article: https://okcsbs.com/happy-mothers-day/

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