God is the Being who has always existed (Psa. 90:2), created all things (Col. 1:16), gave man a spirit (Eccl. 12:4), and, thus, is sovereign over all (Deut. 10:14, 17). There is nothing that God does not know (Psa. 147:4), and there is nothing that He cannot do [which is subject to accomplishment and is …
Category Archive: by Gary Henson
Permanent link to this article: https://okcsbs.com/god-is/
Aug 27
John 3:36 + I John 2:25 = The Truth
Upon one occasion, I received a letter challenging my belief concerning the possibility that a Christian can fall from grace. He was asking how it could be that I could read John 3:36a and still claim that a Christian does not presently and actually possess eternal life while living on earth. The following is my …
Permanent link to this article: https://okcsbs.com/john-336-i-john-225-the-truth/
Aug 20
Our enemy is Satan (Eph. 6:12), his weapon is temptation (Mat. 4:3; Jas. 1:14) and his chain is sin (Rom. 6:23). Since a priority of man is to abstain from sin (Mat. 5:27-30), then all who know about God and the Judgment Day would want to have all the help, hints and information available to …
Permanent link to this article: https://okcsbs.com/dont-even-think-about-it/
Aug 13
A parent, after making it clear that a certain action was not to be done, fails to discipline when the child transgresses that parental law. “It must not really be wrong, nor of any consequence,” learns the child. The child then continues such action with ease of conscience. A policeman fails to stop a speeder. …
Permanent link to this article: https://okcsbs.com/how-many-times-does-it-take/
Aug 06
How could anyone teach that we are to rejoice in our tribulations? Isn’t it the case that “rejoice” means to be overly happy, to exult? Doesn’t “tribulations” denote the various afflictions of life, yea, all the afflictions one may encounter during his lifetime? One might understand the rejoicing at the birth of a child, a …
Permanent link to this article: https://okcsbs.com/rejoice-in-our-tribulations-2/
Jul 30
Upon returning from an out-of-state job assignment, a member of the church (of another congregation) showed me a brochure from a congregation which he had attended. It was a program of the church’s drama which they were presenting. It rivaled a commercial production, complete with seven full scenes and a lengthy acknowledgment list of actors, …
Permanent link to this article: https://okcsbs.com/lights-camera-action/
Jul 22
Of a truth, miracles were performed by some Christians in the first century during the writing of the New Testament, but to claim that miracles are being performed today is to claim that which no longer occurs. God Himself told us there would come a time when miracles would cease—and He also told us when. …
Permanent link to this article: https://okcsbs.com/present-day-miracles/
Jul 16
Spirit Floating
“I saw it all! I floated up and saw my body upon the operating table. The machines and lights filled the room. The doctors huddled around me, and I saw the surgery. Then I came back down into my body.” Such stories as this are being heard from sincere and honest people (although it would …
Permanent link to this article: https://okcsbs.com/spirit-floating/
Jul 08
In order to arrive at the correct answer from a number of possibilities, one may falsify the choices which are erroneous in order to ascertain the truth. Such is called the process of elimination. My father would frequently make use of this method with my sister and myself. If we were the only two who …
Permanent link to this article: https://okcsbs.com/those-who-did-not-write-the-bible/
Jul 01
Trusting God Enough
With a mighty hand, God freed the Hebrews from Egyptian slavery. A multitude was to travel through a wilderness and leave their crop of food behind; but they trusted Him. God lead them by a pillar of clouds during the day, and a pillar of fire in the night. They followed it because they trusted …
Permanent link to this article: https://okcsbs.com/trusting-god-enough/