The Lord’s church is the greatest institution on earth. It was planned before the beginning of the world (Eph. 3:9), prophesied throughout the Old Testament (Isa. 2:2-4; Dan. 2:44; etc.), and was built by Christ (Matt. 16:18). There was, and always will be only one (Eph. 4:4) that is acceptable to the Lord (Matt. 15:13). …
Category Archive: by Gary Henson
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Feb 09
Winter is here again. It’s the season with the cold temperatures and cutting frigid wind. To most (if not all) it is quite discomforting. To some it is even frustrating. Just why then, did God make earth with such a cold season?! Is it not true that He loves man? Wasn’t He smart enough and …
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Feb 02
Super Bowl
As in the words of Paul in 2 Corinthians 11:1 (although he spoke of his admirable spiritual accomplishments, while I speak of but mere, meaningless physical accomplishments), bear with me a little in my folly: I played the game of football for nine seasons; started at the positions of halfback, fullback, quarterback, middle linebacker, defensive …
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Jan 26
“’Preacher’ Will Do”
“Whereunto I am appointed a preacher“—2 TIMOTHY 1:11 Several years ago I was asked to word a prayer before the start of a high school football game. In the press box, as the stadium announcer was explaining the procedure to me, he said, “…at this point I’ll introduce you as Reverend Henson.” Knowing he meant …
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Jan 19
“Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.“—1 CORINTHIANS 16:2 As Christians, we need to keep ever before us that our giving is to be preferred, plentiful and profitable. The Bible makes clear …
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Jan 13
With a name like “Fair Havens,” the captain of a ship would think it to be a good harbor in which to dock in order to take shelter from the difficulties of the sea. However, as it turned out, Fair Havens was not fair at all! Even the captain of the ship which carried Apostle …
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Jan 04
C —-Crucified with Christ in baptism in order to be made free from sin (Rom. 6:6,7). H —-Hoping For the glory (Col. 1:27) of salvation (I Thes. 5:8) in heaven (Col. 1:5). R —Resurrected to live a new spiritual life here on earth (Rom. 6:4,5; Gal. 2:20). I —-Influencing those about him so they may …
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Dec 28
Your Year In Review
“I saw my whole life pass before me” are often the words of individuals who had a close call with death. Such a “life in review” is an amazing phenomena of the human mind (although, no doubt, only the major aspects of one’s life spring forth). As you stand, not at the end of your …
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Dec 22
The Path to the Christian Faith
Does the young child, having learned to walk without the assisting hands of Mother and Father, begin to doubt that his parents exist? It is sad that many adults have taken such a view in regard to their spiritual Father. How does one, who is a believer in God and the Judgment to come, persuade …
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Dec 14
The Lord’s One True Church
The Bible teaches that the Lord’s one true church (Eph. 4:4) was built by Jesus Christ (Mat. 16:18), at Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:2-4; Acts 2:1-42), on the first Pentecost following Jesus’ crucifixion (Acts 2:1). It was established with divine power (Mark 9:1; Acts 2:1-6) for the explicit purpose of preaching the Gospel (Mark 16:15-16; Eph. 3:9-11) …
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