

Apr 01

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Those who wait until the last day, the last minute, generally are not ready for the event! Each year about this time the Barnes church of Christ, as part of her work in the “Oklahoma City School of Biblical Studies” host the “The Annual Oklahoma City Lectures!” The dates this year are: April 28 – May 1. If you do not have these dates marked on your calendar, you are already behind and you are setting the stage for being behind for the whole series of lectures! The word is: “It is time to prepare!”
This is the one major work we do each year as the Barnes church of Christ and the Oklahoma City School of Biblical Studies! Of course, the major work we do is the Oklahoma City School of Biblical Studies and out it comes the annual lectures! Efforts have been made to reach out and get twelve speakers to deliver twelve lessons on the theme: “Attacks against the Bible!” Each lesson is designed to give the listener, and the reader of the lectureship book, information to counter the false claims by those who attack the Bible as being full of errors and contradictions! These claims are generally made by folks who do not believe that God exists; so they attack the ONE BOOK, which by its inspiration proves his existence! As Paul wrote: “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse” (Rom. 1:20); thus, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork” (Psa. 19:1). The heavens shout the existence of God, but so does the inspired BOOK! In its impeachable character, page after page this BOOK OF BOOKS shouts that God exists! Thus, “The purpose of this lectureship is to point out the dishonesty, the foolishness, and the ignorance of those who reject the Bible as the inspired word of God, as they make their so-called claims to prove the Bible is full of contradictions and errors, and that it was written by humans in an ignorant, superstitious and a cruel age,” are false!
It is most importance that each member of the Barnes congregation, start now, to make your plans to hear all twelve of these lessons! In this effort we need to show those who visit us that the Barnes congregation is of one spirit, of one mind, and of one character in Christ! If you have never attended these lectures; let this be the year that you start! Take a look at our speakers: Johnny Hinton, Frank R. Williams, Bryan Hodge, Dan Fredman, Marion R. Fox, Gary Rollins, Bob Smee, Michael VonTungeln, Chris Hill, Jeff Hendrix, Willard Cox, and Brian L. Berry. You will notice that we have two new speakers this year and two who have only spoken once before.
The lectures always start on Thursday night at 7:00 P.M. with the second lesson at 8:00 P.M.; then, on Friday night at 7:00 P.M. with lessons three and four. Saturday the first lesson will be at 9:30 A.M. and the last lesson will conclude about 4:00 P.M. There will be a meal provide by the ladies of the Barnes congregation about 12:00. The final day will follow our normal Sunday schedule: lesson ten will be at 9:30 A.M. and the lesson eleven at 10:30 and the final lesson at 1:00 P.M. following a “pot-luck” meal prepared by our lovely ladies!
We will continue to have lectureship information in the bulletin on April 3, 17, and 24. Plus, every effort is being made to send out the “Winter Issue” of “One Heart” which will also have the lectureship information in it. Ads for the lectureship will also be prepared, mailed out to congregations in the area, and we are asking members of the Barnes congregation to hand out and mail out these ads. Talk with your family members and friends; personally invite them! There is power in a personal invitation!
Yes, it is time to prepare for the “27th Annual Oklahoma City Lectures” like you have never prepared before. Let us make this the best lectureship ever!

— Frank R. Williams

Permanent link to this article: https://okcsbs.com/it-is-time-to-prepare/