Due to what has been taking place in “Our Nation,” it seemed right to address the subject. Let me say first, the best citizens of our nation should be Christians! The best fathers in this nation should be Christians; the best mothers of this nation should be Christians; and the best children of this nation …
Monthly Archive: June 2020
Permanent link to this article: http://okcsbs.com/our-nation-1/
Jun 19
If civilization stands or falls based upon the family, and it does, then, the father is the foundation of the family; it is correct to say, that civilization stands or falls based upon fathers! The definition of the word “father” is: “(1) a male parent; (2) a man who has begotten a child” (Merriam-Webster). On …
Permanent link to this article: http://okcsbs.com/father/
Jun 13
Just think of it, “The Bible,” the greatest book, if it may be called a book, as it is in truth, “The Word of God!” Just to say it is a book, may put it in the same class of all the other “books” that have been printed around the globe we live on! It …
Permanent link to this article: http://okcsbs.com/the-bible-16/
Jun 05
Put your eyes on the New Testament Library and look at the shelves and the books that are found there. Keeping in mind, that there are twenty-seven books, found on the six shelves (If I have not used this number of shelves, in the other articles in this series, please forgive this humble writer!). Just …
Permanent link to this article: http://okcsbs.com/the-bible-15/