Monthly Archive: March 2023

Mar 31

Can A Child Of God Become Lost Again?

Every single human being is either a child of God or a child of the devil. Thus, what a wonderful moment it is when a person becomes a child of God. Yet, is it possible for a Christian to so live as to be lost again? What saith the Scriptures? Galatians 5:4 declares, “Christ is …

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Mar 24

What Do The Scriptures Authorize In Worship With Song?

Since Jesus stated, “But in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” (Mat. 15:9), it is clear that (1) it is possible for men to worship God in a means which is following a teaching of mere men [in contrast to that which God has instructed], and (2) such worship …

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Mar 16

How Did Jesus Organize His Church?

This question certainly cannot be answered by looking at the denominations today. They are organized in so many different ways (presidents, pastor systems, popes, synods, general assemblies, presbyteries, councils, conferences, etc.) we would find no definite answer. Thus, we must look to God and His Word to find out what He has said. The HEAD …

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Mar 10

Is There But One, Undenominational Church?

Notice very carefully what is and what is not meant by saying there is but one, undenominational church. It is not being said that there is one big, all-inclusive church which is made up of all the denominations. Neither is it being said that there is only one denomination (out of all the hundreds) which …

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Mar 04

Must A Person, Upon Being Baptized, Be Baptized For The Purpose Of Obtaining Salvation?

Many people have been baptized, but unfortunately, for the wrong reason. It usually goes like this: the person is taught only to believe in Jesus in order to be saved. Thus, the person believed, and he thinks that he was saved at that moment. He is then told to be baptized–not in order to be …

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