If you are a disciple of Jesus, then certainly you would want to know the meaning of “take up his cross.” Why? Because these words “said Jesus unto His disciples.” What does it mean, then, to take up your cross? A glimpse of history during the life and times of Jesus will cast some light …
Monthly Archive: September 2022
Permanent link to this article: http://okcsbs.com/take-up-his-cross/
Sep 24
The heart surgeon is an amazing physician. Many benefit from such a one’s knowledge and ability. Jesus, upon one occasion, likened Himself to a physician (Mat. 9:12). Yes, Jesus is a surgeon—not upon the physical heart—but upon the spiritual. Consider some similarities of the two: The heart surgeon can repair damaged hearts. Hearts, and therefore …
Permanent link to this article: http://okcsbs.com/the-heart-surgeon/
Sep 17
One day when my youngest daughter was in the third grade, she came home with two activity charts. One chart was from her teacher at school It contained a list of the various parts of a plant: root, stem, leaf, fruit. She was to put a mark in the appropriate column each time she had …
Permanent link to this article: http://okcsbs.com/teachers/
Sep 09
Jesus made it clear in Matthew 21:25 that everything that men do in religion is done either by the authority of God or by the authority of men. He said, “The baptism of John, whence was it? from heaven, or of men?” Jesus was referring to the well known religious practice and teaching of John …
Permanent link to this article: http://okcsbs.com/by-what-authority/
Sep 03
God is the Being who has always existed (Psa. 90:2), created all things (Col. 1:16), gave man a spirit (Eccl. 12:4), and, thus, is sovereign over all (Deut. 10:14, 17). There is nothing that God does not know (Psa. 147:4), and there is nothing that He cannot do [which is subject to accomplishment and is …
Permanent link to this article: http://okcsbs.com/god-is/