

Sep 24

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The heart surgeon is an amazing physician. Many benefit from such a one’s knowledge and ability. Jesus, upon one occasion, likened Himself to a physician (Mat. 9:12). Yes, Jesus is a surgeon—not upon the physical heart—but upon the spiritual. Consider some similarities of the two:
The heart surgeon can repair damaged hearts. Hearts, and therefore the body, will die when the arteries which supply blood to the heart become clogged. Years ago, there was no way for repair. But, due to the devotion of the surgeon’s life to study, the method of repair was attained. Now the surgeon can do for us what we cannot do for ourselves; he gives us that which once was not possible—a repaired heart.
Our spiritual heart sins (Rom. 3:23) and therefore dies (Rom. 6:23). Centuries ago, there was no way for repair (Heb. 10:4). But, due to the giving of His life (Rom. 5:8), the means of repair was attained (Rom. 5:9). Now, Jesus can do for us what we cannot do for ourselves (Eph. 2:8-9); He gives us that which once was not possible (Mat. 19:25-26)—a repaired spiritual heart.
It is only the surgeon—not the nurses—who can perform the surgery. Likewise, it is only Jesus who can save the spiritual heart (Acts 4:12), and it is only His Words to which we can go (John 6:68; 12:48). There were those (although they did not recognize they were doing such) who were going to mere men by following what they taught in religion, resulting in an unrepaired heart (Mat. 7:21-23; Gal. 1:6-8). Tragically, the same is happening today when men (although they do not realize they are doing such) go to Luther, Calvin, Smyth, etc. by having church creed-books and manuals.
The patient must receive the proper surgical procedure in order to be repaired. If a portion of the surgery is ignored, the surgery will not be successful. Likewise, when Jesus tells us what one must do to have his spiritual heart repaired, one cannot ignore any portion of what we are to do. What is the “surgery”? We are to believe that Jesus is the Son of God (1 Cor. 1:21), repent of sin (2 Cor. 7:10), confess that Jesus is the Son of God (Rom. 10:9-10), and be baptized (Acts 2:38) —all of which are to be done in order to be saved.
The patient must recuperate according to the surgeon’s instructions. Likewise, Jesus tells His patients how to walk (Rom. 6:4). They are no longer to walk in sin (Rom. 6:6), but rather in the light (1 John 1:7). They are to walk in the Spirit, not in the flesh (Gal. 5:16-26). They are to live faithful to His instructions until death.
Yes, we are grateful for (and must take advantage of) the heart surgeon who can prolong our life. But how much more grateful ought we to be for (and ought to take advantage of) the Heart Surgeon who can save us eternally!

Gary Henson

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