

Jan 17

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78 Years Old—And In Grade Six!!

What grade would you be in if you went through public school at the same rate you went through Bible School? In public school, you stayed for an average of 7 hours a day. Yet, in allowing for lunch, recess and class breaks, actual class time comes to about 5 1/2 hours. Multiply this by 180 school days, and you have 936 hours of class time a year.
Sunday and Wednesday Bible classes may last up to 45 minutes. Thus, if you attend class on both days, you spend 90 minutes in class each week or 78 hours a year.
The 936 hours of public school is 12 times as much as the 78 hours of Bible school. Thus, at that rate, it would take you 12 years to complete the 1st grade! 144 years to graduate from high school! If a man is presently 78 years old, and he started 1st grade at the age of 6, he would presently be in the 6th grade! [Note: The age factor would double in the above examples if one attends but one of the two Bible classes.]
The facts do not lie. Truly, this reveals the great imbalance in our secular education (which is to prepare us for some 47 years of work) in comparison to our spiritual education (which prepares us for eternity).
This should help us to see clearly that: (1) as parents, we need to be teaching the Bible to our children at home (Eph. 6:4; Deut. 6:4-9); (2) as individuals, we need to take it upon ourselves to read (1 Tim. 4:13) and study (2 Tim. 2:15) the Bible; (3) as teachers, your time with the students is most precious; (4) as elders, the curriculum chosen is critical; (5) as students, your attention is crucial; and (6) as parents, we must see that our children make it to class.
It is my prayer that each Christian be great students of the Bible—the words of eternal life (John 6:68).
Gary Henson

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