Hermeneutics, as in “Hermeneutics 101,” now takes another step in determining the truth being taught in a verse. Basic to Hermeneutics as noted in the first four articles has for the most part, answered the questions: 1) Who is speaking; 2) To whom was it said; and 3) When was it said? In this article, …
Category Archive: by Frank R. Williams
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Mar 31
How many times have you read or heard the words, “house to house,” as it related to evangelism? Before going any further, let it be known that it is my opinion that the best way to do evangelism is in someone’s house, “sitting at the kitchen table!” We generally call this action, “personal evangelism.” It …
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Mar 18
So many who desire to study the Bible, yet dislike even the word, “hermeneutics!” Therefore, let us recall the meaning of the word; it means: “1. The science of interpretation, especially of the Scriptures. 2. The branch of theology that deals with the principles of Biblical exegesis” (Dictionary.Com). Therefore, no matter how you read and …
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Mar 11
As we continue to study the subject of Hermeneutics; we can look at the first article as Hermeneutics 101! The reason for this is that we looked at the subject in the simplest manner possible! Yet, if we will ask those basic questions as we study the Bible, they will clear up a lot of …
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Mar 04
Yes, the word of our title is one of the more hated words among those who say they believe the Bible. Why is this? One replies, “It is not in the Bible; therefore, why should I know anything about it?” Another says, “One interpretation is just as good as another!” Merriam-Webster gives this as the …
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Feb 25
Another view of “Looking out the window!” In the first article on this subject our attention was on the positive; the beauty of God’s physical world and what so many fail to see. The God-rejecter sees it all, but has no one to give thanks for it; while the believer knows from who all blessings …
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Feb 17
Life gives us many opportunities and some of them come upon us before we are ready! God’s blessings are not limited to age, however; as there is not one who has been born who is not blessed by God’s love, kindness, and generosity. Of course, there are some, and this number is growing, who have …
Permanent link to this article: http://okcsbs.com/looking-out-the-window-1/
Feb 11
How do we as Americans determine a “moral standard” for this nation?” America has been debating this question for years! There are two basic thoughts: 1) mankind will make their own moral standard; and 2) “the teaching of Christ” is the only true moral standard! Here we recall the words from the first article: “Consistency—the …
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Feb 04
There is a great debate taking place about morals! It is not new; neither are the two sides of the debate: 1) the New Testament – the teaching of Christ, and 2) the mind of mankind! The word “mankind” is used, as no one person has the authority to determine a moral standard than does …
Permanent link to this article: http://okcsbs.com/the-problem-with-a-moral-standard-1/
Jan 28
Was the conviction, conversion, and sanctification of Cornelius-and those with him- the result of “the mystery of the Holy Spirit”: a direct action of the Holy Spirit upon the heart/mind? If so, the text is silent on the subject! Yet, to hear some talk, you would think the case of conviction, conversion, and sanctification of …
Permanent link to this article: http://okcsbs.com/the-mystery-of-the-holy-spirit-7/