Truly, one of the major decisions of life is that of choosing a career. The choice that a person makes in this matter sets the course for one’s life. Only an imprudent person would approach this crucial decision without looking far down the road to where the various options lead, or without listening to the invaluable advice of those who have been there. Yet, the most cherished principles for choosing a career come from Him whose principles do not fail.
ONE: Choose A Career That Will Not Keep You From Having A Family Life. If you choose a career that will have you: (1) spending too much time in work; (2) on the road always away from your home; (3) exhausted when you go home; or (4) still thinking about your work while at home—then you will find that you have chosen a career that will keep you from having a family life.
Like the strong, energetic man who thought he could hike across the Sahara Desert because he felt so good at the beginning, the person who ignores this principle will eventually find his life quite dry. A man has the obligation (as well as the need) to love (and be loved by) his wife (Eph. 5:25) and to be involved in the raising and the life of his children (Eph. 6:4). The same is true for the woman (Titus 2:4; 1 Tim. 2:15). Yet, some careers make this prohibiting. Thus, choose a career that will not keep you from having a family life.
TWO: Choose A Career That Will Not Lead You Into Temptation. The real purpose of life is not to see: what a great career you have; how much money you earn; how much you gain materially; how high you can get as a supervisor or chairman of the board. Rather, the real purpose of life is to live a life as a faithful Christian. Thus, you need to select a career that will not easily lead you into temptation (Mat. 6:13).
THREE: Choose A Career That You Will Not Love. Yes, it is hoped that you will be able to do that which you like and are happy with, but like it—don’t love it. Never choose anything other than God of which you will “love with all your heart, mind, soul and strength” (Luke 10:27). Loving God is first; loving your family is second; liking your job is somewhere down the ladder.
If you are arriving at the exciting time of choosing your career, protect yourself and better your life by following these principles from Him whose principles do not fail.
Gary Henson
Feb 20
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