

Oct 10

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If it is not a command, how do you know the church of the 21st century must do it? Another thought, just here, is there a true relationship between the church of the 1st century and the 21st century? Is it one church in two different centuries, or two churches in two different centuries? When the apostle Paul wrote there is “one body,” in Ephesians chapter four, verse four, then wrote: “the church, which is his body” (Eph. 1:22-23); which teaches the “one body” is the one church. So, here is the question: “Does this “one body” which is “the church” exist today?
As we look at ascertaining truth, how does this subject relate to the “one body” “which is the church?” What are the identifying marks of the 1st century church which Jesus said, “I will build” (Matt. 16:18) and which he purchased with his own blood (Acts 20:28)? We learn that the church in Jerusalem had elders in Acts 11:30 as the church in Antioch sent relief to them due to the “great dearth.” However, is this a necessary mark of identity, as we ascertain truth, or just something written by Luke as history? Paul wrote Titus these words: “For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee” (Titus 1:5). Though this appears to be a command to Titus, it is not an order to the church. However, in First Timothy chapter three, Paul gives the qualifications for elders and those who are to serve as “overseers” “must” have these qualifications! Yet, there is no command for the local church that she must have elders! So, is having elders an identifying mark of the 1st century church, is it necessary; or is it just incidental? Is it a necessary identifying mark for the church of the 21st century, if she is to be like the church of the 1st century; as there is no command for the church to have elders? Only if the church of the 21st century is to be like the church of the 1st century! We have ascertained a truth about the church of the 1st century, but is it necessary for the church of the 21st century?
What about deacons? Paul gave the qualifications for deacons in First Timothy chapter three (8-11), then, he wrote to the church in Philippi, “with the bishops and deacons” (Phil. 1:1). Therefore, we know the church of the 1st century had deacons, but the questions remains; must the church of the 21st century have deacons? There is no command for such? So the question, is having deacons a necessary mark of identification of the church of the 1st century, which must also be of the church in the 21st century? Noticing there is no commandment for the church to have deacons, is it necessary for the church of the 21st century to have deacons? We have ascertained truth, but what does it mean to the church of the 21st century? Does truth give us any answers?
Reading through the New Testament it is seen the church of the 1st century never used instrumental music in worship, but there is no commandment not to use such! We are given information on worship in a number of places in the letters to the churches, and we have the historical record of what the church did in “The Acts of the Apostles” in a number of congregations; and all without instrumental music! Yet, it remains there is no commandment not to use such! So, it is said, “If there is no law against it, therefore, there is no violation when doing it.” Just by way of reminder, there is no law against using “cornbread and buttermilk” in the Lord’s Supper either!
True, we know what the church of the 1st century used and did, but this is our question: “Are these necessary identifying marks which must be identifying marks of the church of the 21st century?” Must we, the church of the 21st century have elders, or may be have one elder, or no elders at all? Must we, the church of the 21st century have deacons, or one deacon, or no deacons at all? May we, the church of the 21st century use instrumental music, even though the church of the 1st century did not and still claim to be the same church?
You see, in ascertaining truth, it is not just looking for commands, but searching out what the church of the 1st century did, under the watchful eyes of the apostles, “the ambassadors for Christ,” (2 Cor. 5:21) with their approval! There are three churches upon the pages of the New Testament: 1) the perfect church designed by God; 2) the imperfect church as Christians tried to live up into that perfect design; and 3) the deliberate efforts of false teachers to lead the church out of the teaching of Christ. It is from these that the truth seekers must ascertain the truth; he must identify the marks of the 1st century church as designed by God and implement them into the church of the 21st century! It has been said, and correctly so, “If the church of the 1st century did not do it, there is no authority for it!” If so, where do you find it!

—Frank R. Williams

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