

Aug 13

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A parent, after making it clear that a certain action was not to be done, fails to discipline when the child transgresses that parental law. “It must not really be wrong, nor of any consequence,” learns the child. The child then continues such action with ease of conscience. A policeman fails to stop a speeder. “It must not really be wrong, nor of any consequence,” he is lead to think. A boss does not correct an employee for breaking company rules. “It must not really be wrong, nor of any consequence,” he concludes.
Has this thought rubbed-off on Christians? Indeed. The book of Romans speaks of those who had passed the point of their first sin and were now continuing to practice their sin (Rom. 2:1,2). Why? Because they “despise[d]…the riches of his [God’s] goodness, and forbearance and longsuffering…” (v:2). They had obviously thought, since God had not punished them for their sin, “It must not really be wrong, nor of any consequence.”
They had missed the point! True, no harm had come to them from the hand of God. But it was not because they were not sinning. Rather, they were sinning, but due to God’s goodness and patience, He was holding back His wrath in hopes that they would repent.
One act that is in transgression of God’s Will is sin (1 John 3:4). Sin is sin. It does not matter if the act was done one time or ten-thousand times. That one act by Adam and Eve brought them death (Gen. 2:17). That one transgression of Moses kept him out of the promised land (Num. 20:12). That one act of Nadab and Abihu brought upon them a consuming fire from heaven (Lev. 10:1,2). That one act of Achan brought death by stoning (Jos. 7:25). That one act by Ananias and Sapphira cost them their lives (Acts 5:1-11). That one act of Simon made him lost again (Acts 8:20).
Brethren, it does not take a “build-up” of actions to finally make you or I guilty of sin. One murder (Rom. 1:29), one thief (Eph. 5:28), one lie (Rev. 21:8), one evil word (Eph. 4:29), one breaking of civil law (Rom. 13:1-7), one false teaching (Gal. 1:8), one lust (Mat. 5:28), one word of gossip (Rom. 1:29), one act of adding to or taking away from God’s Word (Rev. 22:18,19), one act not authorized by God’s Word (Col. 3:17), one act of omitting what ought to be done (Mat. 25:41-46) and, yes, one willful absence of the assembling of the saints (Heb. 10:25) – – is sin.
Brother or sister, if you have transgressed the Will of God once or numerous times and have not encountered the punishment of God, it is not because “It must not really be wrong, nor of any consequence,” rather, it is due to God’s goodness and patience which holds back His wrath, hoping you will repent.

Gary Henson

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