

Jul 30

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Upon returning from an out-of-state job assignment, a member of the church (of another congregation) showed me a brochure from a congregation which he had attended. It was a program of the church’s drama which they were presenting. It rivaled a commercial production, complete with seven full scenes and a lengthy acknowledgment list of actors, stage crew, construction workers, lighting, sound, scenery, make-up, costume, printing, etc. However, I wasn’t surprised at this (and neither was my brother who gave me the brochure)—because many in the church have been doing things without Biblical authority for a long time.
It must be remembered, in matters of religion, one can only do that which has been authorized! (Col. 3:17). We cannot add to nor take away from what God has said! (Rev. 22:18-19).
What, then, is it that God has specifically told us to do regarding the proclamation of His Word?
He told us to “preach” (kerusso) meaning, “to be a herald; to officiate as a herald; to proclaim after the manner of a herald” (Thayer’s Lexicon, p. 364). Matthew 10:7 states, “And as ye go, preach, saying…” –not dramatizing.
He told us to “preach” (dialeg-omai) meaning, “to converse, discourse with one, argue, discuss” (Thayer’s, p. 139). “Paul preached unto them… and continued his speech…” –not drama (Acts 20:7).
He told us to “preach” (euange-lidzo) meaning, “to proclaim glad tidings; specifically to instruct (men) concerning the things that pertain to Christian salvation” (Thayer’s, p. 256). “…when they were come unto Antioch, spake [not dramatized] unto the Grecians, preaching the Lord Jesus” (Acts 11:20).
He told us to “preach” (kata-gello) meaning, “to announce, declare, promulgate, make known; to proclaim publicly, publish” (Thayer’s, p. 330) — as was done in Acts 4:1-2. Also, carefully notice the preaching of Peter (Acts 2:14-40; 3:19-26; 10:34-43), Stephen (Acts 7:2-53), and Paul (Acts 13:16-42; 17:22-31).
The conclusion is obviously obvious, God has specifically authorized preaching by oral discourses. The addition of dramas in our worship is going beyond the doctrine of Christ (2 John 9); it is a forbidden addition (Rev. 22:18); it is that of which those who both know and love the truth will not do. May we always only do that which God has authorized.

Gary Henson

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