Our loving God would not have us live in such a way that is harmful or unbeneficial to us. And seeing how worry harms us physically (Dr. S.L. Mc Millian, None of these Diseases, pp. 20-93) and mentally, robs us of happiness and peace, hinders our prayer (Jas. 1:5,6) and makes us unworthy stewards of time (Eph. 5:15,16) God clearly tells us, “do not worry” [NKJV] (Matt. 6:25,31,34; Phil.4:6,7). Even if God had not told us to refrain from worrying, realizing what worry does to us, we would want to refrain from worrying anyway.
From the premiere text of the Bible on worrying (Matt. 6:24-34) the Master of human life tells us that worry is: cruel (:26), worthless (:27), faithless (:30), unnecessary (:32), like that of unbelievers (:32) and therefore, prohibited (:25,31,34).
Since worry is harmful and destructive, and neither God nor we ourselves want to be its victim, how then, does one overcome the sin of worry?
Like any other sin, you must first make the self determination to conquer it. No one can do it for you. It is up to you. You must make the decision. You must follow through. You must fight it. As a Christian, you must add virtue — the determination to do that which is right (2 Pet. 1:5).
Count your blessings. How easy it is to let a few troubles (or even one) consume the whole of our thoughts. By thinking upon our troubles all the time, we nudge out the thoughts (and realization) of the truly great blessing which God abundantly gives to us (Jas. 1:17). Take time to count and meditate upon your blessings!
Live one day at a time. Did not Jesus teach us to pray “Give us this day….” (Matt. 6:11)? And did He not say, “Sufficient for the day is its own trouble” (Matt. 6:34)?
Pray, do what you can do and turn the rest over to God. In order to take care of a trouble (in Matt. 17:14-21), the disciples were to pray and take action and God would have blessed them in their efforts. [But take note: Not all of our difficulties are something of which God deems best for us to be relieved (2 Cor. 12:7-10), and there are some difficulties which cannot be avoided (Matt. 26:39; 2 Tim 3:12; Heb. 9:27).]
Involve yourself in the work of the church. for almost 2000 years, Matthew 6:33 has been telling us for our own good, “Seek ye first the Kingdom if God” and our needs shall be supplied unto us. It is amazing how our troubles are suppressed when we become busy for God.
Anchor your faith in our great God. Remember, “Thou [O God] will keep him [man] in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed with thee; because he trusteth in Thee” (Isa. 26:3).
By these things, may our loving God help us overcome agonizing worry, and be at peace.
Gary Henson