

Jul 12

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Attention has been called to the fact that numerous Christians, as well as entire congregations are falling away from the faith. Such is a result of the work of false teachers (2 Thes. 2:1-12). Currently, and for the past several years, there have been false teachers who have graduated beyond the initial stage of advancing false doctrines (by teaching secretly in homes and small classes) to the stage of bold openness.
Concerning false teachers, God tells us to mark and avoid them (Rom 16:17). That you may know who some of these men are and what they are teaching, a few quotations are provided here which were made years ago that set the groundwork and reveals the reason for the erroneous beliefs of many today.

“Under grace, you can only be justified by faith. Our salvation arises entirely and only from grace…not by one act of duty, not by one deed of obedience, not by one righteous thing we do. It is entirely of grace through faith.” –Rubel Shelly, “A Christian Antinomy” at the 1991 Jubilee, “Room at the Cross.”
“We do not contribute one whit to our salvation.”—Rubel Shelly, Love Lines (Woodmont Hills bulletin, 10/31/90).
“I’m not sure there is any sense in which the law of Moses is abrogated.”—Rubel Shelly, Ibid.
“I reject pattern theology…I am not looking for a pattern;…Acts and the epistles have been core documents in our restoration project. I think this is a mistake…we do not need to start in Acts and the epistles. If we start in Acts and the epistles, we are copying a copy…We are not trying to reproduce the first century church…eccentricity, a foolish thing to do…the church has never existed…true church–an arrogant claim…the one thing that will cut us off from God is to make that kind of arrogant claim.”—Rubel Shelly, Missouri Street, West Memphis, AR, April 20-21, 1990.
“Let’s not limit the kingdom of God to the size of our brotherhood…this is what I heard…the only people that could go to heaven were in churches of Christ…I’m going to suggest to you not only is that not Biblical, but it is in fact a violation of the very restoration plea to which we are heirs.”—Rick Atchley, sermon entitled “Don’t Bother Your Brother” preached at Richland Hills Church of Christ, Ft. Worth, TX on 10/14/90.
[I am from] “the non-instrumental group of our fellowship…I don’t go around the country preaching against instrumental music…” –Jeff Walling, speech at Ozark Christian College (a Christian Church school) at Joplin, MO, 1987.
“I really hesitate to do this on tape. Turn the tape off. I have preached and believed, I believe deeply that the New Testament teaches that salvation is a free gift of God, period. You are saved by grace alone.” –Randy Mayeux, sermon “The Church of the 90’s Will Celebrate Genuine Diversity” delivered at Lubbock Civic Center, Oct. 16-19, 1990, Jubilee speaker 1991.
“I pray that God will bless the preaching of Billy Graham behind the Iron Curtain. I pray that unashamedly…” –Randy Mayeux, Lubbock sermon, 10/90.

Accepting mechanical instruments of music, the church of Christ is not the true church, God accepts all people who only believe, fellowshipping those in denominations, helping denominations grow, praying for the success of false teachers behind the Iron Curtain, rejecting the Bible as a pattern to follow—such are devilish false teachings!!! And the writings and speeches of such teachers are to be avoided!!
Gary Henson

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