

Jun 08

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At times we get tired of hearing the same thing! However, if we take “tiredness” and apply it to the “truth,” there would be no use in teaching the truth! It never changes; therefore, it is always the same. Yes, we may study different parts of the truth, and even learn something new to us, but truth never changes! This is a problem to some, as they desire nothing better than to hear some new thing. However, even this is not new!
When Paul was in Athens, Luke wrote: “(For all the Athenians and strangers which were there spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell, or to hear some new thing.)” (Acts 17:21). The key words are, “to hear some new thing!” Yes, those in Athens “spent their time in nothing else” than “to hear some new thing!” Boy, did Paul tell them something new! They had never heard the truth, in all their hearing of those “new thing(s)” they had never heard that great truth of all truths! That truth, that has the power to make them truly free! Their “cousins” of today have the same “ears” and they are always tuned into that which they perceive as “something” new; not realizing that it is only something old dressed in modern clothes!
These same people, thus-minded, are akin to those early Hebrew Christians, as Paul wrote of them: “For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe” (Heb. 5:12-13). Had they heard the truth? Yes! But the writer used the Greek word “palin,” which is translated “again,” as in start over! Could these Hebrews Christians say, “Well, we have already heard this?” Yes, they might have said, “We desire to hear something new!” But, the inspired writer says, no, you are in need that someone teach you again that which you have already heard! They were “babes” in adult’s clothing! The writer gets right to the point, they needed to hear again what is “the first principles of the oracles of God!” They were to go back to the their “beginning,” and start over.
Now, just what were they to study or go back to? The inspired writers said: “the first principles of the oracles of God?” The Greek word translated “first” is “arche” and it means: “beginning, origin,” but Thayer went on to say, “thing that commences.” Could we say, therefore, that the inspired writer is addressing those who have “started” their study, but that they need to go back and study again what is the “beginning” of the principles of the oracles of God?” Yes! This brings us to the words, “the oracles of God.” Many a preacher think that these words refer to the steps of obeying the gospel; however, this is not the case! The writer of the Hebrew letter is addressing the “beginning,” that which came first; thus, he is showing them that they need to go back and study the teaching of the Old Testament, then be convinced that Jesus is the Christ! They needed to go back and be reconvinced that Jesus is the Christ; the very one they had been waiting on to arrive! This is what caused them to obey the gospel; that is they had been once convinced that Jesus of Nazareth is indeed the Christ! The Old Testament prophecies in this text were to build within them a foundation, upon which their faith could stand! Keep in mind, these Christians were under heavy persecution from their fellow countryman, the Jews! As the writer puts it: “For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.”
My brethren, please do not be like these Hebrews! But continue your growth in Christ! Stand firm upon the bedrock truth that makes you free! As the apostle wrote in another place: “having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, …” (Eph. 6:13-16).
Finally, determine to grow up in Christ! Don’t be like those who only desire to hear “something” new! Love to hear that which will keep your faith in Christ, as he is revealed is the New Testament and prophecies in the Old Testament!

Frank R, Williams

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