There are hundreds of charitable organizations to which people give millions of dollars every year. With such amazing sums of contributions, one might wonder: “Why do people give so much? Is it a requirement, like taxes?” No, people give freely because they are convinced of the great good their contribution accomplishes. Christians, too, need to know of the great good their giving does.
Our giving accomplishes the preaching of the Gospel. The mission and purpose of the church is to preach the Gospel (Mark 16:15; Mat. 28:19-20), and funds are needed to finance this work. The church of Philippi knew this and they gave toward that end (Phil. 4:15-16). The various telethons are noble indeed as they strive to help ailing bodies, but the church and it only has the highest work of all–to help ailing and lost souls. Yes, our giving accomplishes much.
Our giving accomplishes the edification of the church. As Ephesians 4:16 makes clear, the church is to edify (self teach) itself. Thus, as we purchase materials for our classroom to help educate ourselves in the Scriptures, we are helping ourselves to keep from stumbling (2 Pet. 1:5), to know the truth which sets us free (John 8:32) and to learn how to live right (Col. 1:9). Yes, our giving accomplishes much.
Our giving accomplishes much in helping the needy. God has told us, “as we therefore have opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them of the household of faith” (Gal.6:10; cf., Jas. 1:27). Yes, God wants His children to help the needy. An example of a giving church is the congregation at Antioch, who, upon hearing of the needy, “every man according to his ability, determined to send relief unto the brethren which dwelt at Jerusalem”. As we today give to orphan homes and various needy families and individuals, our giving accomplishes much.
Our giving also accomplishes much good for ourselves. Philippians 4:17 states, “It is more blessed to give, than to receive.” Find a person who gives, not of necessity, but willfully, and you will find a person who is rich in contentment and inner happiness.
May each of us be encouraged and reassured of the importance of giving, for our giving does accomplish much!
Gary Henson
Feb 27
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