

Dec 28

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Your Year In Review

“I saw my whole life pass before me” are often the words of individuals who had a close call with death. Such a “life in review” is an amazing phenomena of the human mind (although, no doubt, only the major aspects of one’s life spring forth).
As you stand, not at the end of your life, but at the end of another year, it would be good to take a self-examination to “see your whole year pass before you.” What is it that you did this year? What are your accomplishments? Did you do well financially? …health-wise? …make improve-ments on your house? …enjoy a good vacation? It is hoped that you were able to accomplish all these.
Yet, what about your spiritual accomplishments? If you were to make a year end’s list of your spiritual accomplishments, what would you have to list?
Furthermore, is that spiritual list the same as the list for the previous year? And the one before that? And the five, and the ten before that? If so, and if it is a list that is lacking, and unless you take it upon yourself to make a big change, then at the end of your life you will see the same spiritual inventory as you now see for this year. So, is your list full (like the oil of the five wise maidens [Mat. 25]) or lacking (like the five foolish)?
Is your list like Paul’s, who, near the end of his life, summarized: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” (2 Tim. 4:7)?
Is your list like that of Dorcas, of whom, at her death, God said: “This woman was full of good works and almsdeeds which she did” (Act 9:36)?
Or, is your list like those in Matthew 25, who, due to an empty list at the day of judgment, heard ”Depart from Me you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels” (Rev. 6:16)?
Yes, this is a good time to honestly examine your past year, making a list of spiritual accomplishments. And if it be full and not lacking in any aspect, then keep it up and “be not weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap” (Gal. 6:9). But if it be empty or lacking – – as it had been the previous years, then make up your mind to make and follow through with a change.
If, at the end of your life, “your whole life were to pass before you,” may it abound with spiritual accomplishments – – for that will be the only thing that will matter.

Gary Henson

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