Category Archive: Uncategorized

Jan 10

Do They Want It Better? [Or, The All-sufficiency of the Gospel]

If the PRESIDENT wants to rid our nation of drugs–he should want citizens to become Christians.– – 1 Corinthians 6:19-20; Romans 13:1-7. If DOCTORS fear the spread of AIDS–then they must teach the patients to become Christians.– – 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. If the POLICE want to stop crime–they should urge the people to become Christians.– …

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Nov 15

The Fall and Rise of Peter

The apostle Peter is a favorite Bible character of many people. He was one to whom many can relate. Although Peter was a leader among the disciples, he had his shortcomings, yea, even a fall. Yet, he also had the heart of gold and rose from those times. It is for our benefit that the …

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Aug 23


Upon returning from an out-of-state job assignment, a member of the church showed me a brochure from a congregation which he had attended. It was a program of the church’s drama which they were presenting. It rivaled a commercial production, complete with seven full scenes and a lengthy acknowledgment list of actors, stage crew, construction …

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May 24


“1. Affection, good-will, love, benevolence” is the definition given by Thayer to the Greek word agape. The Scriptures describe it as actions of benevolence or esteem due to one’s intense desire for the well-being of another (John 3:16; 1 John 3:16-19; 4:9-11). It is not merely saying “I love you.” Rather, it is love manifested …

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May 16

What Is The Difference Between A Hypocrite And A Faithful Christian Who Stumbles At Least Once In A While?

The aim of this article is to pinpoint some of the basic difference between a thorough-going hypocrite and a faithful Christian who (although he realizes that he “stumbles” at least at times) strives with all of his heart to walk faithfully before God.To correctly fight this battle, he must understand what it means to be …

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May 09


It used to be that nobody could criticize motherhood, the flag or apple pie. Today some folks use the flag for kitchen curtains, Sara Lee makes the pie, and motherhood is delegated to the day care center. Productivity is the key idea. Women who have secular careers are thought to be productive, while one who …

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Apr 25


To “profane” something is to take that which is holy and treat it as common. This is the reason I don’t applaud in worship unto God.Worship to the Almighty, Eternal, Sovereign God is unique, in a class by itself. (1) Only in the Lord’s Supper do we eat a meal that is not designed to …

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Apr 11


It is the heart’s desire1 of the members of the Lord’s church2 to glorify God3 by living obediently4 to His5 every Word6, and strive7 to save the lost8 by teaching the soul-saving Gospel9 and living the light-shining example.10 1Matt 22:37 Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, …

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Feb 16


I had a call early one Sunday morning and the person asked, “How long will your services last and do you serve the Lord’s Supper first or last?” They were probably traveling and wanted their crackers and grape juice to go. Many are demanding today that we be quick and convenient. It seems that many …

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Aug 25

The Danger of Entertainment’s Enticements

Have you ever stopped to consider the awesome effect Hollywood has on our society. Virtually every home in America has a television. With the prevalence of cable channels, theaters, VCR’s and video stores, “Tinseltown” has innumerable opportunities to impact the hearts and minds of us all. Are you aware that the average preschool child watches …

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