

Jun 17

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The Spirit Of Christ

The spirit of Christ was one of denial. This was possibly his most striking characteristic. It was shown to be His whole mission in life. It was self-denial for the good of others. He left the throne of the universe, where He was so highly exalted in honor and glory that it was no robbery of God, or derogation of His honor, for Christ to be made equal with God. He came to earth to be laid in a manger; to live with no place to lay His head; to lift up and exalt rebellious, sinful, dying man. His whole life was one of denying self of all fleshly gratifications, or refusing earthly honors, that in His self-denial he might save man.
If we would have Christ’s spirit, we must have the same desire to deny self. We must be willing to deny fleshly gratifications and self-seeking pride, forego earthly pleasures, comforts, possessions, and honors to save our fellow men. A man who, in order to gain riches and honors, to gratify the flesh or secure earthly places, is willing to see men suffer and go down to eternal darkness without God, is willing to see God’s laws trampled under and dishonored, rather than give up all for Him, does not possess the spirit of Christ and can be none of His.
He who is determined to have good things in his life must be content with evil things in the world to come. Abraham said (unto the rich man), “Son, remember that in your lifetime you received good things, and Lazarus in like manner evil things; but now he is comforted and you are tormented” (Luke 16:25).
Jesus said: “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Mat. 16:24). It is not only needful that a man should sacrifice this personal pride and gratification, but he must have the same disposition to have no will of his own. His pleasure, his meat and drink must be to do the will of God who is in heaven. This firm adherence to the Word of God in all its parts is entirely compatible with the spirit of gentleness, kindness, mercy, and love that shone forth in the life, humiliation, self-denial, and tenderness manifested by Christ

David Lipscomb

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